In August, an 80-year old woman named Cecilia Gímenez stunned the art world with her unique restoration of “Ecce Homo” a fresco by 19th-century Spanish artist Elias Garcia Martinez, at the church of Santuario de la Misericordia in the town of Borja northeastern Spain. Unfortunately for Gímenez, in this case “stunned” was not a positive attribute. Gímenez had managed to transform the austere depiction of Jesus wearing a crown of thorns into what Newsfeed described as “a hairy monkey wearing a baggy velvet suit and sporting what seems to be a rolled-up carpet for an arm.” It’s been dubbed “the worst restoration in history”. (MORE: Worst. Restoration. Ever. Elderly Woman Botches Touch-Up Job on 19th Century Church Fresco) However Gímenez is attempting to make lemonade out of her critical lemons. The artist is taking advantage of the international attention her disastrous restoration attempt has garnered and is selling one of her own original paintings on eBay. The depiction of a Borja street scene is proudly touted as a work by “la restauradora del ECCE Homo de Borja.” While the painting is not as memorable as her “Ecce Homo” work, it does show a more subtle hand than was evident in her restoration: Copyright Cecilia Giménez via CUADRO DE Cecilia Giménez Restaurado del Ecce Homo If you wish to bid, the auction is open until Dec. 18 and profits from the sale of the painting will not go to Gímenez herself, according to The Guardian, but to the Roman Catholic charity Caritas. Gímenez is not the only one trying to leverage her fame. The church that houses the now infamous “Ecce Homo” has started charging visitors and, according to The Guardian, raised more than $2,500 in the first week. MORE: The Ecce Homo Dilemma: Spain Puzzles over an Art Disaster Gone Viral MORE: Now You Too Can Restore Your Own Ecce Homo Fresco